Donna allo specchio

Tiziano, ca. 1515
Museo del Louvre

High resolution scientific photography is one of the most important tools in use at the C2RMF and is undertaken before any restoration or other analysis is carried out. Various kinds of imaging technique are applied to each painting. The resulting images can be up to 200 megapixels in size.

In this example, three types of image are super-imposed: the color image, the infra-red and the X-ray of the painting. You can view and switch between each by selecting below.


 infra-red reflectography


Muovi il cursore per sovrapporre e fondere i diversi tipi di immagine. Puoi visualizzare i particolari del dipinto: dalla versione a colori ,ad alta risoluzione, a quella scientifica:


To learn more about what these scientific images tell us, click below

Credits English  Italiano